I’ll be first to admit my love of snacks while camping. All bets are off once we pull in to the campground!
You can spot fellow campers at the store Thursday or Friday afternoon, grocery carts full of chips, hot dogs, the odd cake and 12 pack of cookies. We give each other the nod and go about your non judging way. It’s no wonder my kids love going, all day playing outside with allowable granola bar breakfasts. Sometimes I find myself cutting up a cucumber just to say we’ve had something green that day!
This time around we had a few new snack friends to bring along. Clif Kid ZBar in three different flavours:
Chocolate Brownie, Iced Oatmeal Cookie and Chocolate Chip.
CLIF Kid Zbars are organic, soft, whole grain energy snacks made just for kids. (And moms who eat their kids food – guilty!) The bars do not contain trans fat, partially-hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, synthetic preservatives or artificial flavours. When compared to other treats that appeal to kids, Zbar contains less-processed sugars and lower total sugar. So most definitely better than my previously mentioned cart full o’ snacks.
The kids loved being part of my taste test team. They happily took the bars to the campground park with walkie talkies to report back with “over” at the end of each statement. Brody liked chocolate chip the best and Emily was torn between chocolate brownie and iced oatmeal cookie. I decided to try them out for myself because I don’t like to take the word from those who dip everything in ketchup. I ended up giving them a pretty close tie for number one snack spot, always leaning slightly towards anything chocolate. I’ll be raiding their snack drawer for Clif Kid Zbars for myself!
This blog post is sponsored by CLIF Bar and that I have been compensated. Photos and opinions are my own.