It’s clean out the fridge and freezer time again! I have the following things in abundance:
Pears, Puff Pastry and a huge bag of Pecans. I cannot be stopped once I hit Costco….
Simple, delicious recipes
by Angie
by Angie
I know, I know there’s literally thousands of pumpkin pie recipes floating around the web right now with Canadian Thanksgiving just passing and US Thanksgiving on the horizon. I will celebrate both. Not because I’m from the US but I just feel like I should support you guys and eat some more. Another excuse to gather the family crew and put out the pretty plates.
I’ve been making this pumpkin pie for so long I wrote out the recipe by memory. But then I went and checked because I rely on sticky notes and the outlook calendar to rule my life. I’m not comfortable relying strictly on memory anymore. Too much going on at once! As I look around my three foot radius I can see five sticky notes right now. Pie recipe, grocery list, random thoughts, recipe ideas, and a note to update my PVR for Parenthood. My tv friends are obviously a major priority. Can you even believe the show is ending this season? I’m heartbroken! Assuming here that you’re watching too. Judging by the facebook comments I’m not alone. People are uuuupset! The commercials make me an emotional mess, let alone the actual show where I’m wiping my face for the whole 60 minutes….
by Angie
by Angie